Admissions Criteria 11
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements 12
- Transfer of Credit Policies
- Articulation Agreements
International Programs
Other Program Profiles
Student Information
Student Diversity 15
- Commitment to Diversity and Available Resources
- Enrollment Statistics - Intercultural Leadership Office
- Undergraduate Enrollment/Persistence Report - Common Data Set B
- Graduate Enrollment by Program
- Race/Ethnicity of Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- PELL Grant Diversity Report
11. Admissions Criteria
Information is provided about the admissions criteria for undergraduate freshmen, transfer, post-baccalaureate, and international students. Information is also provided for graduate programs and for Dual Enrollment students.
12. Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
College-level credits earned at accredited colleges are usually transferable to Cedarville University. Courses in which less than a “C-“ is earned are not granted transfer credit. Specific course equivalencies can be determined after official transcripts are received by the Office of the Registrar.
Cedarville University and its International Programs Office have cooperating consortium agreements with several organizations listed here. For copies of the written agreements, please contact the Office of International Programs at 937-766-3896.
13. Entering Class Information
Information is provided about the Admissions statistics for the current entering class.
14. Campus Profile
A link is provided to the campus profile data for the current year.
15. Student Diversity
Cedarville University actively seeks to attract and serve a diverse group of Christian employees and students who exercise their spiritual calling to be agents of reconciliation; pursuing unity, peace, and community in an atmosphere that recognizes our union in Christ and celebrates the contributions of all who seek to follow Christ. Information is provided to demonstrate Cedarville University’s commitment to diversity.